Click on each individual picture for a closer look.
GangsterThis is soooo me. | CreativityDiscipline is not my strong suit. | Big BooksSing this to the tune of "I Like Big Butts and I Cannot Lie." Bahahahahaha. |
Books Are The BestThis doesn't need words. | ChangeWord. | DanceI wish I could dance like no one is watching. |
Don't Give a You Know WhatThe imagery is incredible and funny. | Two Of My Favorite ThingsWouldn't it be great to laugh hard most of the day and then sleep peacefully at night? | Friend RequirementThis is a requirement for my girl and guy friends. |
Gangsta RapGood way to start each day. | FunI try to have fun every day. | Hot MessElizabeth Gilbert is awesome. |
HungerHungry for food. Hungry for knowledge. Hungry for love. Hungry for adventure. I'm hungry, hungry, hungry. | Great ReminderWish I had written this. I have no idea who did, but it's spot on. | KindnessKindness is so important. |
ApronFound this Downton Abbey apron in Market Street for $9. Like a dummy, I didn't buy it. | New Orleans PictureFound this great watercolor in Jackson Square in New Orleans in January 2015. | Your TribeEnough said. |
Yeats QuoteSaw this on the side of a fence in Dublin, Ireland in June 2015. | Tina FeyTina Fey is one of my heroes. | The BeachBeach time is the BEST time. |
Durty Nelly SignSaw this on the side of Durty Nelly pub in County Clare, Ireland. 2015 | TimeSnagged this off the internet. I have no idea who wrote it, but I love it. | PowerWish I had written this and wish I was better at claiming my own power. |
LaughterNot too many things better than laughter. |